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Nordic Myeloma Study


If you are a patient looking for more information about multiple myeloma this page gives you links to more information in your own language about the disease. There are scientific organisations and patient organisations in every member country of the NMSG.


The goal of the Nordic Myeloma Study Group is to run phase II and III trials to promote better treatment of multiple myeloma. Here you can find the study protocols of all ongoing NMSG trials.



The NMSG does not write common Nordic Guidelines for the treatment of multiple myeloma, but NMSG members participate in the national committees writing the national guidelines in each country. We have one common guideline on the use of allogenic translation in multiple myeloma. Here you will find this and all the national guidelines.



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This website is a presentation of myeloma and the NMSG. The content of the website is for information exclusively. The information given on this site is not meant to and cannot replace professional counseling or treatment by a doctor. The information is not to be used for diagnosing or determining a treatment.

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